Stop by CIRI booth at AFN Convention

CIRI invites you to visit its booth at the upcoming 2010 Alaska Federation of Natives (AFN) Annual Convention in Fairbanks Oct. 21-23. This year’s Convention theme, “Village Survival!,” will spotlight rural education, movement of peoples, sustainable economies and contributing to our country’s economic recovery.

CIRI staff will be on hand at the booth from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 21 and 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 22 to answer questions and help CIRI shareholders complete stock wills. To learn more about stock wills, please visit

A representative from The CIRI Foundation will also be available to answer questions about educational funding and services available to original CIRI enrollees and their direct lineal descendants. For more information about The CIRI Foundation, please visit

To learn more about the AFN Convention, please visit or