CIRI shareholders re-elected five incumbent directors to the CIRI Board of Directors at the
Company’s 2012 annual shareholder meeting in Soldotna, Alaska, on June 2.
Douglas W. Fifer, Erik I. Frostad, Dr. Jeffrey A. Gonnason, Ted S. Kroto Sr. and Louis “Lou” Nagy Jr. were re-elected to serve three-year terms on CIRI’s 15-person Board of Directors. The Board met after the annual meeting and re-elected the following officers:
- Chair – Charles G. Anderson
- Vice chair – Patrick M. Marrs
- Secretary – Thomas P. Huhndorf
- Treasurer – Michael R. Boling
- Assistant Secretary – Douglas W. Fifer
- Assistant Treasurer – Penny L. Carty
Five advisory resolutions submitted at the meeting failed to win majority support.