Investing in our business and our people

Welcome to our first Raven’s Circle of 2024!
I am pleased to start the new year by sharing some exciting news—CIRI’s Stephanie Aicher has been promoted to the position of chief legal officer! Stephanie has been an integral part of the CIRI team for more than 12 years, during which time she has consistently demonstrated a high level of competency in legal and governance matters. During her tenure as vice president, general counsel, Stephanie’s oversight expanded from legal and compliance matters to include human resources, benefits and probate. Her sound business judgement has led CIRI through several successful projects, and I look forward to her continued support of critical company functions.
Throughout the year I plan to share other important updates and information with our Shareholders and Descendants about CIRI’s business operations, financial performance, distributions and more.
We are enhancing the company’s investment strategy with CIRI’s vision, “our stakeholders thrive,” as our guide. To get us there, we plan to hold a strategy session in March with CIRI’s executive leadership team and Board of Directors to develop a long-term investment strategy that targets sustainable growth in Shareholder value. I am excited about the opportunities on the horizon for CIRI in 2024 and beyond.
With a more diversified portfolio of high-quality operating and financial assets, we will reach new heights. We will target investments with robust cashflow, healthy backlogs and high profit margins— investments that will elevate CIRI’s unique status as a diverse, well-capitalized, Alaska Native-owned corporation.
It is an exciting time for CIRI! I look forward to sharing updates with you in future editions of the Raven’s Circle and at our 2024 Information and Annual Meetings.
In the meantime, as your CEO, I am committed to keeping our stakeholders informed. If you have questions about CIRI’s business performance, investments or strategy, drop me an email at
Best regards,
Swami Iyer