A Word from CIRI President Sarah Lukin

Preserving culture by embracing innovation

Cama’i (hello)!

CIRI President Sarah Lukin

It’s hard to believe summer is winding down and autumn is upon us! Though I’ll miss the long, sunny days, this is my favorite time of year: changing leaves, the chill in the air, excitement and anticipation as students head back to school.

I have wonderful autumn memories of growing up in Port Lions. In preparation for the long winter ahead, my family and I would spend many days canning and smoking fish, making jams and jellies, and drying plants and herbs. Subsistence—or, as some Elders call it, “traditional harvest lifeways”—is a fundamental part of Alaska Native culture, identity and self-determination. These important skills, passed down from generation to generation, are just as vital today as at any time in our history. We are proud to continue these practices—enhanced through modern tools—and teach them to our children.

Just as seasons change, so do organizations. As we gear up to attend the Alaska Federation of Natives (AFN) Convention in October, on behalf of CIRI, I would like to welcome Ben Mallott (Athabascan and Lingít) to the role of AFN president. Having most recently served as AFN’s vice president of external affairs, Ben is well aligned with AFN’s mission and values. We look forward to seeing him build upon the foundation former AFN President Julie Kitka (Chugach Eskimo) laid over her 40 years of service. A reminder for those planning to attend, the 2024 AFN Convention will be held Oct. 17-19 in Anchorage. For more information, including an Alaska Airlines flight discount, visit nativefederation.org/convention.

CIRI continuously strives to be at the forefront of innovation. As an Alaska Native corporation, we understand our continued growth and economic strength is rooted in our ability to be forward-looking, flexible and adaptable. To better communicate with our Shareholders and Descendants, we recently launched the MyCIRI app! App users can download forms, browse traditional recipes, access distribution schedules and more. The app is available for both Android and iPhone.

Part of deepening and enhancing our Shareholder and Descendant communication efforts involves gathering your feedback. This spring and summer, Swami and I—along with Board Chair Doug Fifer and Darla Graham, director of CIRI stakeholder engagement—visited all seven of our CIRI villages. Thank you to those who took the time to meet with us to discuss the unique challenges your organizations face, the actions you are taking to improve your communities and how we can work together to achieve our shared goals.

We will also be launching a Shareholder and Descendant survey this fall. If you are one of the selected participants, please take a moment to share your views on CIRI. More information will be made available as the survey is rolled out.

I look forward to seeing many of you at our fall Friendship Potlatches! Potlatches will be held Oct. 12 in Anchorage; Oct. 20 in Kenai, Alaska; and Nov. 3 in the Pacific Northwest.

Quyanaa (thank you),

Sarah Lukin
CIRI President