Congratulations to Cook Inlet Housing Authority (CIHA), whose Coronado Park Senior Village in Eagle River was recently selected as an outstanding Senior Housing property by the Affordable Housing Tax Credit Coalition (AHTCC).
Each year, the AHTCC selects the nation’s most outstanding low-income housing tax credit properties for its Charles L. Edson Tax Credit Excellence Awards. “The Edson Awards recognize the Housing Credit’s ability to lift up communities, and this year’s winners remind us just how instrumental the program is,” said Todd Crow, President of the AHTCC.
Opened in 2014, Coronado Park Senior Village offers 56 affordable, energy-efficient rental apartments for seniors in the heart of downtown Eagle River. The property offers private efficiency, one-bedroom and two-bedroom apartments and a community living room and multipurpose activity room.
“Coronado Park is a very special place. These are more than just apartments—it’s a real community where seniors can live independently and where everyone matters,” said CIRI shareholder Carol Gore, CIHA president and CEO.