An 85-acre shopping center with nearly 50 dining, entertainment and retail options, Tikahtnu Commons serves the growing needs of Anchorage, Eagle River and the Mat-Su Valley.
Since opening in 2007, Tikahtnu Commons has become Anchorage’s largest retail and entertainment center, representing one of CIRI’s most successful investments. It is anchored by Best Buy, Kohl’s, Lowe’s, Regal Cinemas, Sam’s Club and Target.
Just in time for the holidays, a new website has been unveiled. TikahtnuCommons.com boasts a store directory with individual store hours, an interactive map and a link to information on the recently completed Glenn Highway-Muldoon Interchange, including an instructional video showing how to drive, walk or bike through the interchange.
The new interchange allows for higher vehicle capacity, reduces travel delays and provides safer, more efficient pedestrian access across the highway. It provides easy access from all directions to Tikahtnu Commons.
For more information about Tikahtnu Commons, visit www.tikahtnucommons.com.