A Word from Our CEO

A Word from Our CEO

A Message from CIRI CEO Swami Iyer

CIRI endeavors to steward our land, spearhead responsible development, celebrate culture and heritage, and provide economic benefits to our Shareholders.
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A Word from Our CEO

A Message from CIRI CEO Swami Iyer

My job is to help build a foundation that provides the profit we need to grow our company for the next 50 years.
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A Word from Our CEO

A Message from CIRI CEO Swami Iyer

I was happy to meet many of you at my first Shareholder meetings since becoming your CEO!
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A Word from Our CEO

A Message from CIRI CEO Swami Iyer

Throughout the year, I plan to share important updates and information with our Shareholders and Descendants about CIRI’s business operations, financial performance, distributions and more.
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