Dividend and Resource Revenue Distribution Reminder

CIRI’s dividend policy states that the total dividend payment to shareholders in any given year is equal to 3.50 percent of total shareholders’ equity, calculated as of December 31 of the prior year. Dividend amounts are able to be confirmed after CIRI’s annual audited financial statements for the prior year are approved. This typically occurs shortly before the date of record for the first quarter dividend, which, this year, falls on Thursday, March 21.

The yearly amount of CIRI’s resource revenue distribution is also able to be calculated shortly after CIRI’s annual audited financial statements for the prior year are approved, with the actual distribution made shortly thereafter. As required by ANCSA, resource revenue payments associated with at-large shares are paid directly to the shareholder, while resource revenue payments associated with village class shares are paid to the underlying village corporation.

Once calculated, dividend and distribution amounts are announced to shareholders on the dividend hotline, which may be reached at (907) 263-5100 or toll free at (800) 764-2435 (CHEK), and the website distribution schedule.