CIRI Energy Employee Dan Mullins Honored with Hero Status

Dan Mullins (center) is honored by the American Red Cross of Alaska.
Dan Mullins (center) is honored by the American Red Cross of Alaska.

For helping prevent a suicidal woman from jumping from an overpass bridge, CIRI Energy Operations Manager Dan Mullins was honored by the American Red Cross of Alaska at its 17th annual Real Heroes Breakfast, held April 27 in Anchorage. Mullins was one of three citizens who received the Good Samaritan Award for helping to save the woman’s life.

“I was heading eastbound down Northern Lights [Boulevard] and saw a few cars stopped on the side of the road. I looked up and I saw a lady on the bridge, so I stopped traffic with my truck – I blocked everybody and I got out and started asking what was going on,” Mullins recalled.

“I told a few people to call 911 and then my Army training kicked in because the Army really tries to educate you on suicide awareness and what to do, the steps with ACE (ask, care, escort), and so I went up there and started talking to her.”

Mullins was able to distract the woman by talking to her while another individual at the scene grabbed her by her sweatshirt and pulled her to safety.

CIRI congratulates Dan Mullins on this well-deserved honor!

Suicide Prevention

Suicide is the second-leading cause of death for Alaska Native people between the ages of 15 and 34. Suicide is tragic, and often preventable.

CIRI encourages you to explore the prevention resources available in your area. Contact information for resources in particular cities and states may be located by calling 2-1-1 or visiting

Southcentral Foundation’s Denaa Yeets’ program provides services to Alaska Native and American Indian people ages 18+ who have had recent thoughts of ending their lives. For information, call 907-729-5260 or visit

And remember, if you are worried about someone, talk to them. By reaching out, you could save a life.