About CIRI

Cook Inlet Region, Inc., also known as CIRI, is one of 12 land-based Alaska Native regional corporations created pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA). CIRI’s regional boundaries roughly follow the traditional Dena’ina territory of Southcentral Alaska. CIRI was incorporated on June 8, 1972 and is owned today by a diverse group of nearly 9,500 Shareholders who live in Alaska and throughout the world.

CIRI manages a diverse and strategic investment portfolio for the long-term benefit of CIRI Shareholders. CIRI has investments in energy and infrastructure, with a focus on renewable and green energy, along with real estate, investment securities, land and natural resources, private equity and venture funds, and a government services business portfolio. A portion of CIRI’s government services portfolio utilizes assistance available through the Small Business Administration’s 8(a) Business Development Program, which provides CIRI an array of assistance and benefits as a federal government contractor. 

As outlined in ANCSA, and as part of the corporation’s mission, CIRI and its affiliated socially driven enterprises provide benefits to CIRI Shareholders, Descendants and more than 70,000 Alaska Native and American Indian people in the CIRI region and beyond. With cumulative distributions to Shareholders that top $1 billion, CIRI remains focused on its objective to delivering meaningful and sustaining benefits to its owners and their families. CIRI is committed to preserving and perpetuating our Alaska Native heritage and, through our family of Designated Tribal Organizations, foundation and community nonprofits, providing educational opportunities, housing, health care and social services to shareholders, descendants and other Alaska Native and American Indian people residing in the Cook Inlet region. 

 The Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act 


The Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) of 1971 was a new approach by Congress to federal Indian policy. ANCSA extinguished aboriginal land title in Alaska. It divided the state into 12 distinct regions and mandated the creation of 13 private, for-profit Alaska Native regional corporations, including CIRI. ANCSA also mandated that both regional and village corporations be owned by enrolled Alaska Native Shareholders. With its foundation in Alaska Native corporate ownership, ANCSA was a departure from the Lower 48 reservation system.

More than 50 years later, ANCSA, through Alaska Native corporations and Designated Tribal Organizations, continues to empower Alaska Native people by promoting health and wellness, instilling culture and heritage, aiding economic growth, respecting Alaska Native values, and balancing the needs of current and future generations of shareholders.