About Cook Inlet Region, Inc.
What is CIRI?
Cook Inlet Region, Inc., also known as CIRI, is one of 12 land-based Alaska Native regional corporations created pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA). CIRI’s regional boundaries roughly follow the traditional Dena’ina territory of Southcentral Alaska. CIRI was incorporated on June 8, 1972 and is owned today by a diverse group of nearly 9,300 Shareholders who live in Alaska and throughout the world.
ANCSA addressed the aboriginal claim to land by Alaska Native people by mandating the formation of for-profit corporations representing various regions of the state and by providing land and seed capital to those corporations. CIRI is one of those corporations, with regional boundaries that roughly follow the traditional Dena’ina territory of southcentral Alaska. CIRI was incorporated on June 8, 1972