2014 Board Election Results

The Inspector of Elections has certified that CIRI shareholders re-elected five incumbent directors to the CIRI Board of Directors at the Company’s 2014 annual shareholder meeting in Anchorage, Alaska, on June 7.

Penny L. Carty, Robert E. Harris, Roy M. Huhndorf, Katrina M. Jacuk and Patrick M. Marrs were re-elected to serve three-year terms on CIRI’s 15-person Board of Directors. The Board met after the annual meeting and re-elected the following officers:

Chair – Thomas P. Huhndorf
Vice Chair – Douglas W. Fifer
Secretary – Jeffrey A. Gonnason
Treasurer – Michael R. Boling
Assistant Secretary – Louis “Lou” Nagy Jr.
Assistant Treasurer – Penny L. Carty

There were no resolutions presented this year.

Annual Meeting Prize Winners

The 2014 annual meeting of CIRI shareholders included cash door prize drawings for shareholders who submitted a valid proxy (for any proxyholder or candidate) by the proxy deadline or registered to vote in person at the annual meeting. Other door prizes were also given out to shareholders present at the meeting. The cash prize winners are as follows:

$5,000, or two round-trip tickets to Las Vegas, four nights at the Wynn Las Vegas Resort and cash (a $5,000 value), Lloyd Pedro
$2500 Thomas Tipton Asher
$750 Katherine Ann Johnson
$750 Robert Dennis Towne
$750 Carol Frances Joy
$750 Cyril Randolph Wanamaker
$750 Alexis Kay Colberg-Nelissen
$500 Christopher John Monfor
$500 Rosella Myra Standifer
$500 Shane Allen Shumaker
$500 Michelle Ann Tremblay
$500 Mary Ann Pender
$100 Terry Lidvin Simpson
$100 Doris J. Kelly
$100 Tina Marie Tucker
$100 Diane Linda Drake
$100 Alfred Charles Jones
$100 Don Harold Benedix
$100 Cecelia Huddleston
$100 Tracy Ann Pendleton
$100 Darla Cate Graham
$100 Marilyn Jane Aston

Early Bird Prize Winners

The following CIRI shareholders won 2014 Early Bird cash prizes. Shareholders became eligible for the Early Bird drawing when a valid proxy (for any proxy holder or candidate) was submitted to CIRI or the Inspector of Election by the following deadlines:

April 21, 2014       Elmer David Brown, Anchorage, AK
April 21, 2014       Arnold Oliver Hawkins, Anchorage, AK
April 28, 2014       Mary Alice Godbee, Anchorage, AK
April 28, 2014       Victor Augustine Segura Jr., Kenai, AK
May 5, 2014          Agnes Noyakuk, Teller, AK
May 5, 2014          Donna Lee Horton, Wasilla, AK
May 12, 2014        John Albert Hardacre III, Huntington Beach, CA
May 12, 2014        Philip Rogers Harmon, Soldotna, AK

You Vote, We Donate

This year, CIRI offered to donate $1.00 to the Brother Francis Shelter–an organization that provides temporary, emergency shelter to Anchorage’s homeless population–for every shareholder with a valid, active proxy (for any proxyholder or candidate) on file by the proxy deadline. CIRI plans to round up the amount paid to the shelter such that the 3,418 qualifying proxies result in a donation of $3,500. CIRI extends it sincere appreciation to the shareholders who participated in this year’s election.