Seeking Applicants for Board Slate
The CIRI Nominating Committee seeks CIRI shareholders interested in nomination to the 2019 CIRI Board of Directors’ candidate slate. To be considered, Board slate applicants, including incumbents, must complete and return a candidate nominee application to CIRI by 3 p.m. Alaska Standard Time on Tuesday, Jan. 15. Additional information can be found on CIRI’s website or by contacting the Shareholder Relations department.
The Nominating Committee will review all timely applications, conduct selected interviews and recommend candidates to CIRI’s Board of Directors. Based on the Nominating Committee’s recommendations and the Board’s subsequent evaluation, the CIRI Board will name five candidates to the Board-recommended slate.
Director Responsibilities and Experience
The CIRI Board of Directors establishes the strategic direction of the company and oversees the performance of its businesses and management. CIRI Directors are responsible for developing the company’s corporate policies, furthering its mission and promoting the economic, social and cultural well-being of its shareholders.
In selecting the Board-recommended slate, the CIRI Board looks for demonstrated decision-making, leadership experience and communication skills. Applicants should have a strong understanding of business and basic financial knowledge, along with a college degree or equivalent business experience. In addition, an applicant should exhibit professionalism, sound judgment, equanimity and integrity. Familiarity with the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) and involvement in the Alaska Native/American Indian community are also essential.
CIRI’s primary business segments include energy and infrastructure, financial investments, government services, land and natural resources, oilfield services and real estate. Shareholders with relevant industry experience in one or more of these segments are encouraged to apply.
Director Eligibility
Pursuant to CIRI’s By-Laws, no person shall be qualified to serve as a CIRI Director who:
- Is not at least 18 years of age;
- Is not a voting CIRI shareholder;
- Has been convicted, as determined by a court of competent jurisdiction, of a felony within five years before election;
- Has been found, as determined by a court of competent jurisdiction, to have engaged in fraud or illegal business practices; or
- Has been found, as determined by a court of competent jurisdiction, to have breached a confidentiality agreement with the corporation.
Board Term Limit Policy
The CIRI Board believes that an orderly refreshing of the Board membership is in keeping with good Board governance practices and demonstrates that the Board is open to new members. Accordingly, the Board implemented a term-limit policy in August 2018 that limits the number of terms a Director may serve. Beginning with the CIRI Annual Meeting on June 1, 2019, individuals elected to the CIRI Board of Directors may serve no more than four consecutive three-year terms. The Board also recognized that an orderly transition schedule was established to reconcile the varying service tenure of incumbent Board members.
Board Write-In Candidates
As in the past, shareholders interested in running for the CIRI Board of Directors as write-in candidates, including those individuals not selected for the Board-recommended slate, will have an opportunity to submit their information for inclusion in CIRI’s election materials.
Write-in candidate information packets will be available from CIRI Shareholder Relations and posted to CIRI’s website no later than Thursday, Jan. 31. Completed write-in candidate information packets must be received by CIRI by noon Alaska Standard Time on Thursday, Feb. 14.