Enrollees encouraged to update their addresses
To address the problems associated with owners of fractional or small amounts of CIRI stock not cashing their checks, some years back, CIRI implemented an Annual Check Program wherein the distributions for shareholders owning five or fewer shares of stock who do not sign up for direct deposit or “opt out” of the program are cumulated and paid in one annual check, with no interest paid. All other CIRI mail is sent to the shareholder’s address of record.
Historically, annual checks have been mailed in December. But beginning this year, the checks will be mailed in September, after third quarter Elders’ payments have been mailed, and before the third quarter distribution is mailed.
2019 annual checks will include held liabilities associated with the 2019 first and second quarter dividends and, if applicable, the 2019 resource revenue distribution and any other payments holding for program enrollees. Thereafter, annual checks will include held liabilities from prior-year third and fourth quarter and current-year first and second quarter distributions and, if applicable, the resource revenue distribution and any other held payments.