descendant and former CIRI intern Ravyn Nothstine. Photo
courtesy of CITC.
By Jamey Bradbury, courtesy of Cook Inlet Tribal Council
While the Anchorage ATHENA Society’s annual luncheon is focused on recognizing individual women who mentor and empower others, CIRI shareholder Gloria O’Neill (Yup’ik), the recipient of the 2018 ATHENA Leadership Award, chose to focus on the power of many in her acceptance speech.
“I’m inspired every day by the people we serve at our organization, and the people I work with,” said O’Neill, president and CEO of Cook Inlet Tribal Council (CITC). O’Neill then invited those co-workers present at the luncheon to stand for recognition.
O’Neill, a 2001 inductee to the Anchorage ATHENA Society, was joined this year by new inductee Kelly Hurd, CITC senior director of development. Both women were acknowledged on March 19 during ATHENA’s 2018 induction luncheon honoring this year’s class, joining a distinguished roster of caring, impactful and professional women.
The Anchorage ATHENA Society is a program of the Anchorage Chamber of Commerce that works year-round to encourage the potential of all women as valued members and leaders of the business community. The Society’s Leadership Award is given to only one ATHENA member annually.
Each year, inductees are nominated based on several factors, including leadership, community service, and efforts in assisting women in reaching their full leadership potential. A selection committee comprised of past award recipients appoints the new members.
The ATHENA Society is named for the Greek goddess of wisdom. Now, the international society bearing her name is located in all 50 states and several foreign countries.