In the recent election held Nov. 4, Alaska voters passed a ballot measure that will legalize the recreational use of marijuana in Alaska. CIRI wants applicants of any job with CIRI or its subsidiary companies to be aware of the following:
- The marijuana initiative will not become law until 90 days after the results are certified. The initiative is expected to become law in late February 2015.
- Marijuana use remains illegal in Alaska under federal law; the new law, when passed, will not change federal law.
- The new law, when passed, will not change CIRI’s current drug- and alcohol-free workplace policy, which prohibits the use of marijuana “while on Company premises, engaged in Company business, or operating Company equipment.”
- The new law will explicitly allow employers to prohibit drug use and to test employees for marijuana use.
- If employees choose to use marijuana outside the workplace, they can still be tested at work. Employees who exceed drug testing levels will be subject to discipline up to and including termination.