Economic summit hosted by CIRI

CIRI hosted an economic development summit on Sept. 24 at the BP Energy Center. The summit began a conversation among region stakeholders about collaboration and economic development opportunities. Participants included tribal entities, ANCSA village corporations and a variety of other Alaska Native participants interested in fostering economic development in the Southcentral Alaska region.
“Collectively, organizations in the Cook Inlet region have the ability to be a significant powerhouse through collaborative proposals,” said Greg Razo, CIRI vice president, government contracting. “The conference strengthened the network of Cook Inlet region stakeholders and identified opportunities for growth in the region.”
Presenters included Anchorage Economic Development Corp. President and CEO Bill Popp, Teya Technologies LLC President and CEO Ron Perry, UAA Center for Economic Development Executive Director Christi Bell and Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority Business Development Officer Michael Catsi. 
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