When CIRI mail is returned as undeliverable, the CIRI records are placed on hold and any distributions are held pending receipt of a valid address. The address on the CIRI records must match the address on file with the United State Postal Service to prevent mail from being returned to CIRI. The third quarter dividend address change deadline was 3:00 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 22. Shareholders can fill out the change of address form at CIRI’s offices, download it from the CIRI website or send a signed and dated letter that includes the new address, telephone number, birth date and the last four digits of their social security number.
(As of 09/29/2014)
Byron Keith Abell
Ahtala Allen
Donna Irene Beltz
Diana Lynn Benkoe
James Patrick Brown
Diana Marie Call
Christopher Evan Chapman
Oliver Wendell Chapman
Allen Wesley Chase Jr.
Gordon Walter-Wesley Cheemuk
Jacob Lionel Crombie
Elizabeth Anne Davis
Shasta Tanya Davis
William D. Ferguson
George Even Finley III
Sharon Sue Foreman
Matthew Lee Fox
Mandy Lyn Gardner
Lori Ann Hallstead
Mary Jo-Ann Jacobs
Christopher Marion-Stone Jacobsson
Paul Richard Johnson
Reid Hodikoff Johnson
Alyssa J. Kashevaroff
William Dean Luttrell Jr.
Michael West Mason
Shaun Michael Moore
Ashley Rose Nielsen
Diane M. Reyes-Ortiz
Harriet Shipp
Jacqualine Sue Silook
Benjamin Samuel Snyder
Sara Louise Thorpe
Zenith Charles Williams Jr.