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You have the power to shape our future, but only if you exercise your right vote! And that’s a right that should never be taken for granted.
Did you know that Alaska Native people were not granted citizenship and the right to vote until 1924 – 54 years after African-Americans and four years after women? Even so, soon thereafter, the Alaska Legislature implemented a requirement that voters be able to read and write the English language, effectively blocking many Alaska Native people from voting. Until 1970, Alaska’s Constitution also included an English literacy requirement for voting.
Fast forward to today, where the Alaska Division of Elections must provide language assistance to groups whose language is Spanish, Native American, Alaska Native or one of the Asian languages if more than five percent of the voting age population speaks limited English. Communities along the Aleutian chain are also covered for Filipino (Tagalog) and Spanish.
Alaska Native people worked long and hard to gain the right to vote. Honor the legacy by registering to vote or updating any outdated voter registration information no later than Sunday, Oct. 7, 2018. Eligible shareholders and descendants can register to vote at CIRI’s Shareholder Relations department, and all Alaskans can register to vote online at Any qualified, registered voter in the State of Alaska may apply for an absentee ballot and vote by mail. The election will take place Tuesday, Nov. 6.
Learn more at If you or someone you know requires language assistance, or if you are fluent in English and one of the Alaska Native languages or Filipino (Tagalog) and would like to serve as a bilingual worker, call 907-275-2533 or 866-954-8683 (toll-free), or visit