Shareholder Participation Committee Update

CIRI welcomes the following new Shareholder Participation Committee (SPC) members:

Elizabeth R. Atchison, Kenai
Brittany G. Casey Hansen, Seward
Jennifer L. Harren, Seward
Jayne C. Medica, Palmer
Eugenia Moonin, Nanwalek

Angela Jay-Cernich
Stayce M. Pead
Alana K. Shuravloff

Lower 48 and Hawaii
Norman Kashevarof Jr., Monticello, Minn.
Marie C. Miller, Rainier, Wash.
Karen M. Voy, Oakdale, Minn.

The CIRI Board of Directors formed the SPCs in 1995. The purpose of the SPCs is to increase two-way communication between CIRI and its shareholders, identify issues of immediate and long-term importance to shareholders, and assist the corporation in providing information to shareholders regarding the corporation’s mission, business operations, corporate policies and other matters.

Each year, SPC members are chosen through a random drawing from the names of voting shareholders who are at least 18 years of age, have indicated an interest in participating on a committee and have correctly
answered a questionnaire about CIRI that is mailed to all voting shareholders prior to the Annual Meeting of Shareholders. The correct answers for the 2016 questionnaire are indicated below:

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