Shareholders interested in running for the CIRI Board of Directors as a write-in candidate — including those individuals not selected for the Board-recommended slate — will have an opportunity to submit information for inclusion in CIRI’s election materials. Subject to CIRI’s election policies and procedures, the names, photographs and appropriate personal statements of all eligible candidates will appear in CIRI’s election materials. Completed candidate information packets must be submitted to CIRI on or before 5 p.m. Alaska Standard Time on Friday, Feb. 24, 2012, and may be dropped off at CIRI’s Shareholder Relations Department at 2525 C Street, Suite 104, in Anchorage, or faxed to (907) 263-5186.
Interested shareholders will be able to obtain write-in candidate information packets from CIRI’s Shareholder Relations Department. The forms will also be posted to the CIRI website. There is no charge to write-in candidates to have his or her information included. This process enables any eligible CIRI shareholder to run for the CIRI Board of Directors with minimal effort and expense, and the company hopes it will also reduce the number of mailings and materials shareholders receive.