Apply online to TCF

Since 1982, The CIRI Foundation (TCF) has provided more than $19 million in scholarship and grant assistance to support original enrollees of CIRI and their direct lineal descendants in the pursuit of postsecondary education. Looking ahead to the future and with the goal of streamlining the application process, TCF is transitioning to an online application.

During 2010-2011, TCF worked with a web developer to create an online application through which students can submit their entire application. At the upcoming Dec. 1 scholarship and grant deadline and in 2012, paper applications will no longer be accepted for general semester, career upgrade, and vocational training categories.

To ease into this transition, there are several steps you can take to better prepare for submitting an online application:

    • Scan your eligibility documents and supporting materials – The application requirements have not changed and you will be asked to attach the supporting documents.
    • Plan ahead – In general, the online application period will open 30 days prior to the application deadline. You will have four weeks to submit your application materials online. Gather your documents ahead of the deadline.
    • Remember to finish and submit your application – Your online application will only be considered after you reach the final step of the application and click “finish.” Incomplete online applications that are not submitted will not be considered for funding.

Applicants to TCF are strongly encouraged to set up a user account now. You can find more information by visiting our website at: