From the comfort of their own homes, shareholders can read the latest CIRI news, update their mailing addresses and other contact information, RSVP for events and even vote in Board elections. Ready access to online resources—including eNewsletters, eVoting and Qenek—makes it possible.
In addition to being more convenient, online access lessens the environmental impact of the paper industry, keeps waste out of landfills and eliminates fuel usage and pollution associated with items sent by mail. It also helps CIRI save on printing, processing and postage costs.
Read on for information about these innovative programs!
CIRI shareholders and confirmed, registered descendants have the option of enrolling in CIRI’s eNewsletter program to receive interactive versions of the Raven’s Circle newsletter.
- Receiving eNewsletters eliminates the need for paper newsletters to be produced and mailed.
- Participants receive their CIRI news faster.
- eNewsletters contain links and other features not available in the paper newsletter.
- CIRI conducts quarterly drawings for a Kindle Fire or Amazon gift card for those enrolled in the program with a valid email address on file.
- Participants may request paper copies of editions that are meaningful to them.
- Full copies of the paper newsletter will continue to be posted to the CIRI website in PDF format.
Enroll at http://qenek.ciri.com or ciri.com/enewsletter.
For the first time this year, shareholders had the option of completing an electronic proxy (eProxy) using CIRI’s web-based proxy system. eVoting was available to shareholders who own voting shares to elect members of the CIRI Board of Directors and determine whether to establish the CIRI Settlement Trust.
- Voting online eliminates the need to return a paper proxy.
- eProxies submitted by the appropriate deadlines qualified shareholders for Early Bird and Annual Meeting prize drawings, as well as $3,000 in eVote prizes.
- eVoting is convenient, fast and available 24/7.
- eProxies eliminate common voting mistakes, such as not allowing shareholders to vote more shares than they own.
- eVotes are automatically counted, reducing the time and costs associated with manual tabulation.
While 2019 marked the first year eVoting was available to CIRI shareholders, CIRI anticipates being able to continue to offer this technology going forward.
Qenek (Dena’ina Athabascan for “news” or “information”) is a free resource that provides shareholders convenient online access to their CIRI records and other CIRI resources.
- Certain record changes can be made online, instead of returning forms:
- Updating contact information
- Viewing payment information and printing payment confirmations
- Requesting check replacements
- Viewing and printing tax information
- Qenek allows shareholders easy access to a wealth of information, including:
- Information about the shares owned
- CIRI news and announcements
- Links to forms and resources
- Event RSVPs
- Shareholders who maintain a current mailing address and access their Qenek accounts quarterly are entered in a quarterly drawing for a YETI cooler.
- Qenek is available 24/7.
CIRI shareholders who are at least 18 years of age and who are not subject to guardianship or conservatorship orders are eligible to create Qenek accounts.
To register for a Qenek account, visit https://Qenek.ciri.com.