CIRI invites Shareholders and confirmed Descendants to serve on the CIRI Participation Committee (CPC). This is an excellent opportunity to enhance your knowledge of and strengthen ties with CIRI; network with your fellow Shareholders and Descendants, CIRI staff and Board Directors; and provide your voice and perspective to your corporation.

CPC members serve non-staggered, two-year terms. The next application window will open in spring 2026. 

Application and selection process:   

  • CIRI makes every effort to select members who represent the diversity of our Shareholders and Descendants.
  • Members will serve two-year terms that begin at the time of selection and expire at the Annual Meeting two years later.
  • Former members must typically wait six years before being eligible to serve again.
  • There are typically two meetings per year and any necessary travel arrangements are made by CIRI. Members are compensated $150 per meeting day.

The purpose of the CIRI Participation Committee is to:

  • Increase Shareholder and Descendant communication with the corporation.
  • Identify issues of immediate and long-term importance to Shareholders and Descendants.
  • Assist the corporation in educating Shareholders and Descendants on CIRI’s mission and values, business operations, corporate policies, Shareholder and Descendant opportunities and other matters.
  • Appropriately represent CIRI’s Shareholder and Descendant demographics, including Anchorage, Alaska (outside Anchorage/Mat-Su), and the Lower 48 and Hawaii.

To be eligible, you must:

  • Be a Shareholder or confirmed Descendant at least 18 years of age.
  • Have access to a telephone and email.
  • Not have been convicted, as determined by a court of competent jurisdiction, of a felony within five years of applying to serve.
  • Not have been found, as determined by a court of competent jurisdiction, to have engaged in fraud or illegal business practices, or to have breached a confidentiality agreement with the corporation. CIRI Directors, management staff and their immediate family members (i.e., husband, wife, mother, father, sister, brother, children) are not eligible to serve on a committee, nor are CIRI employees or directors and management staff of CIRI subsidiaries or socially driven enterprises.