The services listed below are available for all CIRI Shareholders. Additionally, a number of CIRI Shareholder- and Descendant-owned businesses offer discounts on the services they provide to CIRI Shareholders and Descendants. If you have any questions, please contact the vendor or CIRI Human Resources at (907) 263-5155.
Disclaimer: CIRI provides a list of third-party businesses that offer services and/or discounts to CIRI’s Shareholders and/or confirmed Descendants. CIRI does not investigate or evaluate the listed businesses in any way. CIRI does not endorse and takes no responsibility for any of the products or services these businesses offer, or the ways in which they offer them. CIRI makes no warranty, express or implied, about the truthfulness of any statement or any service or product offered by a listed business. CIRI reserves complete discretion in deciding whether to list any business, to maintain any listing and to update any listing.

Click below to view businesses by industry:

Hertz offers CIRI shareholders and confirmed descendants up to 20% off rental rates.

AT&T offers a 15% discount on monthly wireless services to CIRI shareholders.

Land’s End

Together with Lands’ End Business Outfitters (Lands’ End), CIRI has created an “E-Company Store” where shareholders may choose from a variety of items to which they may have CIRI logos added.

To begin shopping, visit

Alaska Fitness

(907) 646-8686
2700 A Street #B, Anchorage, AK 99503

Alaska Fitness offers Student/Military/Senior rates (as low as $39/month) upon proof of CIRI affiliation such as Shareholder Card

Janssen Funeral Homes

Locations in Anchorage, Eagle River and Wasilla
(907) 279-5477
737 E Street, Anchorage, AK 99501

Janssen Funeral Homes offers a 25% discount on full traditional services (visitation, service and burial costs) and a 10% discount on minimal services (burial only) for deceased CIRI shareholders and confirmed descendants, and to CIRI shareholders and confirmed descendants who are otherwise making arrangements.

Dimond Center Hotel
(907) 770-5000 / (866) 770-5002 (reservations) 700 East Dimond Boulevard, Anchorage, AK 99515
  • Rate code “CIRI” must be provided when making reservations. Reservations can be made by calling (866) 770-5002.
  • In order to receive discount, CIRI identification must be provided when checking in.
  • Room rates vary each day. Rates also vary on single or double occupancy per room, per night, net and non-commissionable.
  • Rates are as follows:
    • Jan. 28 -April 30: $169/night plus tax
    • May 1- Sept. 15: $359/night plus tax
    • Sept. 16- Dec. 31: $169/night plus tax
Land’s End Resort

(907) 235-0400
8001, 4786 Homer Spit Rd, Homer, AK 99603

Offers CIRI shareholders and confirmed descendants a year-round 12% discount

Alaska Industrial Hardware (AIH)

Stores in Anchorage, Eagle River, Juneau, Kenai, Fairbanks and Wasilla
(907) 276-7201

Discount varies depending on the item(s) purchased