CIRI receives many inquiries for shareholder genealogical information, which it does not have. The Bureau of Indian Affairs conducted enrollment for the regional corporations formed as a result of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act. The regional corporations, including CIRI, did not receive copies of the ANCSA enrollment applications nor did they receive family tree information, and instead received only statistical information from the BIA on those individuals determined eligible and enrolled to their respective regions.

Still, knowing who our families are and where we come from is an important value in our Alaska Native cultures. In recognition of this, CIRI is listing some online genealogy resources for those interested in exploring their heritage in this fashion.

Although membership fees do apply to some of these services, many of their sites have sections offering free tips for conducting genealogical research as well as links to other available genealogical resources, many of which are available at no cost to the user.

Know about other genealogy-related resources?

Email to let us know about them.