Save the Date: 2024 Information Meetings and Annual Meeting of Shareholders

Mark your calendars! This year’s Information Meetings will be held Saturday, April 20 in Anchorage and Saturday, May 4 in the Pacific Northwest. The Annual Meeting of Shareholders will be held Saturday, June 1 on the Kenai Peninsula. Join us for a financial overview of CIRI’s business operations, food, cultural entertainment, door prizes and more!

There will be two Information Meetings in 2024. In order to reduce costs and avoid duplicative information, CIRI will hold two Information Meetings in 2024: Anchorage and the Pacific Northwest. We will not hold an Information Meeting on the Kenai Peninsula, as it will be the location of our Annual Meeting of Shareholders.

Information Meetings

  • Saturday, April 20—Anchorage, Alaska
  • Saturday, May 4—Pacific Northwest (Seattle area)

Annual Meeting of Shareholders

  • Saturday, June 1—Kenai Peninsula (Kenai/Soldotna area)

For those unable to attend, a recording of the Annual Meeting will be made available in Qenek.

Details, including venue and RSVP information, are in the process of being finalized. For the most up-to-date information, please visit the CIRI website. We look forward to seeing you this spring!